All the necessary tools to manage and grow your Affiliate Network
Only $199 per month Unlimited Everything!
AffTrack is a solution provider for companies of any size working in the Affiliate and Performance Marketing Industry - from REAL-TIME Tracking to Invoicing and everything else in between. AffTrack has been in-use by large Affiliate programs since 2009.
Unlimited Clicks & Conversions
Worrying about how many clicks or conversions an offer receives is no longer an issue. Select a package that meets your click requirements or choose the Unlimited package to never worry about click overages again!
Unlimited Clicks! No month end surprises due to low performing traffic sources.
Unlimited Everything for $199
All new instances will receive UNLIMITED EVERYTHING for only $199 per month!
This also includes a 1 month FREE Trial.
Easily Manage Affiliates and Advertisers
More than simple tracking - all the tools you need to effectively manage your clients. Whether they want to connect through API integrations or use their own portal for reporting, AffTrack makes handling your business relationships seem easy
Reliable Tracking and Statistics
Monitor and optimize traffic with confidence at anytime from anywhere. Filter Traffic to your exact specifications with Offer Access control and block low quality traffic from ever reaching your Merchants with our fraudulent elimination features.

New Customer Special:
Real Time Analytics
Real time reporting and data access with 99.999% reliable uptime.
Proxy and Fraud Detection
Protect your company from fraud with real time traffic analysis and alert notifications
No Contracts or Fees
No unexplained fees and overages typically found with commitment plans. No more surprises.
No Affiliate or Offer limits
No limits on Affiliates or Offers. Don't restrain your company with artificial limits.
Offer Targeting
Exact Targeting for Offers with everything you need - Country, Device, Language and more
Cap Management
Protect Affiliates and your reputation from cap overages with the use of our Overflow tool
Postback and Redirect Logs
Full Postback and Redirect logs for easy troubleshooting and reference.
Full API Access
Access to a full API to manage your account in any way. Full control for custom interfaces or integrations
Access Control
Organize your team with individual access control to every feature and setting
Redirect Flow
Set up Global Redirects and rules to always know your traffic will be monetized no matter what
Quick and Easy Support
Friendly and professional support to assist with any help you need
Daily Newsletter
Keep your Affiliates informed of new and returning Offers with automatic alerts and messages